Monday, May 4, 2009

South Park: Social Commentary at It's Finest

Since its debut on Comedy Central in 1997, South Park has often used political topics as a subject for its episodes. It has covered topics such as global warming, deforestation, and immigration over the years, usually exposing just how ridiculous the debates on each subject actually are. Basically, if you can think of a topic that made national news over the past thirteen years, South Park has probably referenced it in some way. I feel that South Park reached a new level of political relevance when they released an episode entitled “About Last Night” only one day after the 2008 presidential election. This episode, which has become my personal favorite, contains quotes from speeches that were given by both Obama and McCain following Obama’s win despite airing less than 24 hours after the election was decided. The main plot is the fairly ridiculous premise that the only reason McCain and Obama ran for president was so they could break into the Smithsonian and steal a precious diamond. However, although this it in itself would probably make for a great episode, the main plot was not the reason that “About Last Night” was so phenomenal. The subplot dealt with the incredibly over the top reactions by both McCain and Obama supporters after the election. Here’s a small taste:

Throughout the episode, Obama supporters are seen partying in the streets and celebrating because of the new world order that they are sure is coming. Meanwhile, McCain supporters are overcome with fear and depression, with some attempting to lock themselves in an underground bunker and other turning to suicide. From what I experienced immediately following Obama’s election, South Park hit the nail on the head with their portrayal of both sides. People that I knew were hardcore McCain supporters seemed to be convinced that the world was coming to an end. Obama supporters meanwhile seemed to think that Obama’s election was the greatest day in the history of mankind. This left me, someone who voted for McCain but didn’t fear an oncoming apocalypse, wondering why the whole country had gone insane.

“About Last Night” concludes with McCain supporters coming out of their bunker after realizing that the world had not ended, while Randy Marsh (seen above celebrating Obama’s win) realized that his life was still exactly the same. Over the past few months, I feel like both McCain and Obama supporters have started coming back down to earth, realizing that no matter what slight changes that the new administration brings about, the country will still remain pretty much the same place it is today after Obama’s tenure as president is over.

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