When I think about feminism, I generally divide it into two different categories. There’s the insane “men all the source of all evil” section that gives all feminists a bad name, and then there’s the level headed majority of feminists that simply wish for women to be treated equally to men. With a few exceptions, the blog Feministe is written by women from the latter camp. Most of their articles deal with women’s rights issues throughout the world or voice legitimate concerns about misogynist behavior in America.
The one entry that I found particularly interesting was entitled 300 Women March for Rights in Afghanistan. The post deals with the recent protests in Afghanistan over a new law that states that Shia women cannot leave or work outside of their home unless given permission by their husband. The same law also states that rape is legal if it is within a marriage. In protest of this law, 300 Afghani women marched in the streets holding banners before they were met by 1,000 counter-protesters that hurled obscenities and stones at the women. Despite this seemingly overwhelming adversity, the march continued with the protesters refusing to back down.
I agree with the blogger in applauding the efforts of these brave women in standing up for their rights. I would have to imagine that it would be extremely difficult to find anyone in America that is in agreement with this unjust law, and I’m happy to see this issue being brought to the attention of the readers of Feministe. In addition to simply being an informative piece, this post also provided a link to donate to The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan to support these women. This kind of proactive approach goes a lot farther towards dealing with a problem then just complaining about an issue.